Saturday, January 17, 2009

Im not stupid...right?

So, I decided a few months ago that I would go back to school. I was all gung-ho and ready to take it all on. I thought..."If they can do it, so can I ..right..of course right." So I toppled head first into classes. I am taking 4, English Comp 2, Sociology, Algebra for idiots, and Anatomy and Physiology 1. Oh man, have I ever bit off more than I can chew. The first three aren't really hard..they are just time consuming.
But A&P..geeze louise...I'd like to think Im a fairly bright person. I've had a background in Emergency Medicine. I keep telling myself I've met some pretty stupid nurses in my time. And if they can do it...yeah so.......

I've hit my first Are-you-sure-you-are not-kidding-yourself moments. Im currently in the 2nd chapter..and freaking the heck out. Chemistry is like greek to me. I keep looking around in class wondering if I am the only one that thinks he should speak English. Seriously? This class is HARD. I think I might be screwed. So.....Yeah.....Whatever........

1 comment:

Julie said...

I didn't know you were blogging! Yay :o)

If I could send you my husband to help out with the science stuff, I would. Goodness knows I could never help you, it all sounds like Greek to me too.

Chin up! I know you can do it with a little patience and hard work.
