Thursday, April 06, 2006

Scabs... know how "they" say to pull em' off real fast and they will not hurt as bad. Or the stupidest cliche' ever " It is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all." Bullshit! Try for is truly bullshit!

Scabs are there to protect the wound from being reopened. However, some take sadistic pleasure in ripping the scabs off and pouring salt into the wound before dancing away with the "golden children" into the "grind".

I get it now, I really do. What a painful lesson to have to learn and relearn. Like the universe has repeated "Are you done? Do you get it now?" I do.

How stupid I was to think that my heart would be guarded by them? I was naive. Was everything I said being used as the groundwork for my final ruination? I don't know. I just don't know much anymore except that I have had enough.

I can no longer trust the "golden ones" to have my back. They just won't. I get that...finally. How sad for them. I had much to offer. Their loss.

The new rule is this....TRUST NO ONE. Keep your cards close to your chest. "They" will not protect you from ruin."They" do not appreciate your input or value your life story. Keep your mouth shut and stay out of trouble.

I wash my hands of my need for your approval. You don't deserve my trust. You have to look at your own faces in the mirror. And I can look at mine.

It is finished.

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